Expert Water Purification Advice, Tips And Filtration Hacks
What makes Matrikx filters superior to other residential water filters?
Matrikx filters are highly regarded in the water filtration industry for several reasons that contribute to their reputation. Here are some key features and benefits of Matrikx filters.
Top 20 benefits of using residential, under sink reverse osmosis (RO) water purifier
Using a residential, under sink reverse osmosis (RO) water purification system offers numerous health benefits. Here are the top 20 benefits of using a water purifier or filter and why it's a mistake not to have one at home.
What's the difference between Valuetrex reverse osmosis membrane and Filmtec reverse osmosis membrane?
Valuetrex and Filmtec are both preferred brands of reverse osmosis (RO) membranes, which are used in residential and small commercial water filtr...
Is the Brita inline refrigerator filter as effective as the Brita filter pitcher?
Brita Pitcher Filter will not remove some of the most dangerous contaminants from your drinking water for a simple reason...
Purity You Can Taste, Quality You Can Measure.
How to easily test your water for quality & purity, and how to save a ton of money by purifying your tap drinking water to make it safe and de...
Prevent Top 15 Health Issues By Keeping Body Hydrated.
There are many benefits to keep your body hydrated. Several factors influence how much water you require on a daily basis such as climate, muscle ...